My mum is so hooked to korean serials lately. My brother's fault. He pampers her with all the latest korean dramas bought so illegally from M'sia. Now she's hogging the TV. And the sofa. She's conquering our living room. She owns the remote control. Koooorean shows that NICE MEH ???
There's an orientation programme organised at work for new staff like me tomorrow. I'm dubious about this whole intention. For normally I feel disorientated after any orientation. It better be good and meaningful. I'm running out of time.
Why am i suffering from hunger lately? I crave for supper each night, even after a sumptuous dinner. Even now, i'm sipping my vitasoy to gratify my hunger pangs, & so craving for kfc. And i miss all the nice food at all the nice spots i so used to go. I'm going to buy a car.
Came across this quote during my read, "You have to keep an eye on pleasures. Make sure you are enjoying them rather than them controlling you." I'm gonna force my younger sis to memorise this quote. Maple story is ruining her.
Finally finished my favourite info-show series, "Journey to the West (Part 2)/Finding Singaporeans" as hosted by Belinda Lee. Simply love her! She's so unassuming & real. A total of 10 episodes. Very inspiring. Keeps me rooted to my overall sanity and well-being.
Alright, tmr i'm meeting alot of friends at noon and evening. Beings whom i can just bitch with without holding back and moments i can so be myself. Awesome! And ohh.. nowadays guys can be just as equally so kaypoh and bitchy .. or worse.
Awww... i do feel like having a beer now again. Okie, i shall rejoin, or probably rejoice with my mum in her korean shows now. I'm pretty curious to uncover the mystery to her addiction.